Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ten in 2010: The First Week

So far ... not as good as I'd hoped, unfortunately.

Let's see:
  • Drink more water every day. I have been drinking 2-4 more cups of water per day than before so that's good.
  • Get 25 mg fiber each day. Not so much. Really need to work on this one.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Well, I did run once which is more than before. Why didn't someone tell me how sore I'd be? LOL!)
  • Add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. A good start, I'd say. We tried Brussels Sprouts for the first time this week. (Roasted with a little olive oil. Yum!) I also made a Chicken Gumbo with lots of fresh veggies in it. A few salads here, some frozen veggies there.
  • Lose 10 pounds. Well ... it's still early. ;-) I did jump back into I've been logging my food and exercise and re-acquainting myself with some old Spark Friends. I've also spent a lot of time going through the Spark Recipes, looking for tasty, yet healthy additions to our dinner rotation.
I did make some progress on other fronts. I re-organized my kitchen. Purging lots of extraneous clutter and simplifying things so that it's easier to grab a healthy snack. I've also jumped back on the blogging bandwagon so I'm quite happy with that.

All in all, not a bad start at all. :-)

Edited to Add: I forgot the best part! I've lost 1.5 pounds so far this week! I guess this week wasn't so bad after all!


Em said...

Sounds like your week was similar to mine, keep up the good work.

Patsyk said...

You may not have thought it was a good week, but you did make some small changes... which resulted in a good 1 week loss! Way to go!

Rachel @RunningRachel said...

Hi there. I am browsing your site from Menu Plan Monday. I love your goals for 2010!! I think I just might have to join in on the 10 week challenge (late)! Keep up the great work! :)