Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ten in 2010 Healthy Challenge

Now that 2010 has arrived I'm getting back on the ball. No more excuses. No more procrastinating. I'm getting back on track and Ten in 2010 over at is going to help me do it. The Ten in 2010 Healthy Challenge is a way to help you make some healthy changes in your life during the first 10 weeks of 2010. Food bloggers and food blog readers from all over the world are joining together to support and encourage each other reach whatever healthy goals each participant is shooting for.

My goals for 2010:
  • Drink more water every day.
  • Get 25 mg fiber each day.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days per week.
  • Add more fruits and vegetables to my diet.
  • Lose 10 pounds.

A big part of this goal is the One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon, a 13.1 mile race in May 2010 that my husband and I have signed up to run again this year. After taking some time off from running, it's gonna be a huge (and long overdue) step getting back into an exercise routine. And since food=fuel, it's going to be very important that I focus on eating healthier foods. Good for the race and good for my family and hopefully good for my blog readers since I will be trying a variety of new, healthier recipes through the next ten weeks (and hopefully beyond!)

If you'd like a little help in getting healthier this year, head on over to and check out Ten in 2010. The more the merrier!

1 comment:

Em said...

Good luck on your goals, I am trying to stay on track.